Therapeutic Behavioral Services

Ventura & Santa Barbara Counties

Therapeutic Behavioral Services (TBS) is available for eligible children who are at risk of being placed in a residential treatment facility or a high-level group home, or who are returning home from such a placement. TBS is a personally tailored, short-term behavioral service program (about 5 months on average) that focuses on changing a child’s behavior, while emphasizing the child’s strengths. TBS works in collaboration with the child, the child’s caregivers and the primary mental health provider to address one  to two behaviors that jeopardize the child’s ability to remain in his or her current home. 

Who Is Eligible?

TBS accepts referrals from Ventura County Behavioral Health (VCBH) and approved VCBH providers. Eligible child and youth ages 0-21 years must have full-scope Medi-Cal, meet “medical necessity” criteria or have a qualifying mental health diagnosis, already be receiving other mental health services, and be a member of a certified class by meeting one of the following criteria:

  • Currently living in a group home facility, RCL (Rate Classification Level) 12 or above, and/or locked treatment facility
  • Undergone at least one emergency psychiatric hospitalization related to his/her current presenting disability within the past 24 months
  • Being considered for placement in a group home facility, RCL 12 or above, and/or a locked treatment facility
  • Previously received TBS services


County Care Coordinators, Community-Based Organization (CBO) Clinicians, or other Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Program (STRTP) Clinicians may refer full-scope Medi-Cal children and youth to Casa Pacifica’s TBS 

For more information please contact

(805) 366-4000 

How It Works

  • The TBS team receives a referral from the primary mental health provider and schedules an initial meeting to develop goals and behavioral interventions to help the child/youth.  
  • Services are delivered in the home, school or community, and the TBS specialist will collaborate with the primary mental health provider weekly to update on interventions, behaviors and progress of the child/youth.
  • The TBS specialist focuses on introducing behavioral interventions to the child/youth and working with parents and caregivers to teach them the skills to support their child and effectively use developed behavioral plans (e.g. identifying coping skills, creating safety plans, behavioral tracking, positive reinforcement, parent coaching, etc.).  
  • TBS tailors services around the child/youth’s strengths and is more engaging by utilizing art and games. 
  • When services are getting close to ending, the TBS specialist supports the transition and develops transitional items to encourage/support the client in utilizing the skills learned in his or her day-to-day life.  

Intensive Home-Based Services

Intensive Home-Based Services (IHBS) is very similar to TBS, but IHBS is designed for foster youth living in Ventura County. IHBS is a personally tailored, behavioral intervention that serves foster youth in their foster home or group home within the confines of the family’s schedule. It’s a voluntary service that is fun and strives to create more smiling, laughing and praising in the home. “Progress Not Perfection” is the IHBS motto for a good reason and IHBS will not expect perfect performance but will build momentum in a positive direction.

IHBS specialists utilize the power of a relationship to create success and communicate through the language of a child, which includes Active play or games (card games, board games, arts and crafts, baking, sports, journaling and scrapbooking, anything the youth is interested in, etc.). Our success is tied to ongoing feedback between the entire treatment team by meeting at least monthly to review progress. 

IHBS accepts referrals from Ventura County Behavioral Health and approved VCBH providers and must (a) have full-scope Medi-Cal, (b) meet “medical necessity” criteria or have a qualifying mental health diagnosis, (c) have an open CFS case (d) and be living in a foster home.