
Did you know there are 1,500 children in foster care in Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties?
These children need more than a roof over their heads—they need stable, nurturing environments where they can grow, heal and thrive. And you can help!
Casa Pacifica believes every child should have the opportunity to feel safe, secure and loved. Through our Foster Family Agency program, we find safe and loving homes for foster youth and equip parents with the training and resources they need for success, including 24/7 on-call support.
In a world where every child deserves love and care, you have the power to change a life. By opening your heart and home as a resource parent with Casa Pacifica, you can provide a safe haven for a child in need.
Together, we can help, hope and love—creating bright futures for children in our community.
For more information, please call 805-218-4859. See the FAQ
Who is Eligible?
Resource parents must be 18 or older, pass background checks, and have a genuine commitment to providing a safe, protective home. Our most successful parents are dependable, patient, and open to adapting their parenting style to meet diverse needs.

Click here to learn more about eligibility requirements.
Foster Parent Training & Certification

Casa Pacifica will walk you through the entire process, answer your questions and ensure that you’re prepared to become a resource parent. It’s a wonderful, life-changing event for everyone involved. And we’ll be there to support you every step of the way.
Click here to learn more about Certification & Training.
Intensive Services Foster Care
Casa Pacifica’s Intensive Services Foster Care (ISFC) program offers specialized mental health and behavioral support for children with complex trauma, psychiatric hospitalizations, and past placement challenges.

Click here to learn more about becoming an ISFC Resource Parent.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How many children are in need of foster care?
A: There are an estimated 1,500 children in need of foster care throughout Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties.
Q: What are the ages of the youth?
A: Generally school-aged children up to 21 years old.
Q: How long does the placement process take?
A: The placement process typically takes three to four months.
Q: What do I need to provide for a foster youth?
A: The things you must provide are food, clothing, shelter, and most importantly, love and support. Our staff can provide more information regarding requirements. We will be happy to answer all of your questions.
Q: What kind of support is provided to resource parents?
A: Casa Pacifica provides comprehensive support to our resource parents. A case manager will work with you from the time a child comes to your home. The case manager will have weekly contact with you and the child, either in person or by phone. You will also have assistance available to you through our emergency on-call service 24 hours a day and seven days a week.
Q: Can I be single and still foster?
A: Yes! There is no legal requirement regarding a resource parent’s marital status.
Q: How many youth can I foster at one time?
A: Currently, the maximum number of youth in a given household is six. Casa Pacifica will work with you to determine the most appropriate capacity for your situation.
Q: Who are the children?
A: There are currently 1500 children in need of foster care. They live in your community or the surrounding area and they need a loving home. Often, these children have been removed from their guardians because of abuse, trauma or other unsafe circumstances.
Q: How do I get started?
A: Complete the interest form and one of our staff will be in touch so we can answer your questions and schedule an orientation session.
Affiliations & Accreditations
We work closely with the State of California, Community Care Licensing, Department of Children and Family Services/Human Services Agency and Ventura County Behavioral Health.

Ready to Get Started?
For more information, please call 805-218-4859 or email us: helphopelove@casapacifica.org