Psychological & Educational Assessment


Assessment is a formal testing process that identifies sources of emotional, behavioral and academic challenges and can be a helpful tool in identifying complex behavioral, emotional and learning needs for children, youth and young adults. Emotional, behavioral and academic challenges can have complex roots that are not always clear from simple observation. For issues that have not improved through standard accommodations and supports, assessment results help identify more appropriate and successful targeted intervention methods. Testing results are used to create targeted interventions to address identified challenges and to promote success.

Who Is Eligible?

Casa Pacifica provides testing services for children, youth and young adults, ages 3 through 21, with Beacon Health insurance or on a cash pay basis. 

Testing services are not available for:

  • Workers’ Compensation
  • Child Custody Evaluations
  • Court-Ordered Evaluations
  • Parent Fitness Evaluations


Casa Pacifica’s psychological and educational assessments are available to the general public through self-referral, or referral by teachers, social service agencies, pediatricians or other mental health professionals. After a consultation with our testing department, we can provide the pay rates based on which tests will be needed.

For more information or to schedule an assessment, please contact Admissions

(805) 366-4000

Types of Assessment:

To address your child’s or adolescent’s unique situation, we offer the following testing services:

  • Cognitive Assessment: learning style, auditory processing, visual processing
  • Attention Assessment: attention, impulse control, planning, organization
  • Educational Assessment: learning disabilities, accommodations for all learning settings and standardized test taking
  • Emotional Assessment: coping skills, social skills, maladaptive behavior patterns, mood and anxiety
  • Developmental Assessment: (ages 3-5) social functioning, academic readiness, autism spectrum issues

How Assessment Helps

For Parents & Teachers

Our assessments identify sources of academic difficulty, such as: lagging in reading, writing or math skills; poor testing performance; missing assignments; poor attention; homework avoidance; etc. School observations may be part of the assessment, especially for significant social or classroom behavioral difficulties. Our findings can supplement plans already in place for your student or serve as a starting point for classroom accommodations and interventions. Reports meet criteria for requesting accommodations for standardized testing. Social-emotional testing is available to assist with ongoing therapy or in identifying developmental disorders such as autism spectrum or intellectual disabilities.

For Social Service Agencies

Our clinicians work closely with caseworkers, foster parents, guardians and other partners to provide high-quality assessment for the complex needs of at-risk youth. Assessments provide appropriate diagnoses and identify appropriate services for children, adolescents and transitional-aged youth.

For Pediatricians & Mental Health Providers

Our assessments can be part of the diagnostic process, helping to identify and differentiate disorders such as autism spectrum, ADHD, oppositional defiant disorder, anxiety, depression, obsessive compulsive disorders, etc.

The Assessment Process

After your initial phone call, a clinician will schedule an intake interview with parents or caregivers, either in-person or virtually. Approximately two to four testing sessions of varying length will be scheduled at our offices in Camarillo, California. Parents (and often teachers) will complete questionnaires related to areas of challenge. School observations can also be a part of the testing process. Results will be presented as detailed below. 


Testing results will be presented in a final feedback session that can be in-person or virtual. A comprehensive report will be provided and results will be explained to parents in non-clinical, every-day language along with specific suggestions, interventions and accommodations to address identified challenges. Other supports will be recommended to address learning disabilities, disruptive behavior, social problems and other issues. Referrals will be provided to appropriate community resources, such as therapists, educational therapists, learning centers and other programs. All reports provided meet the assessment requirements for applying for accommodations for the SAT, ACT and GRE exams.