Child and Family Team Facilitation (CFT) 


At Casa Pacifica, we prioritize a family-centered approach to support. Not only do we believe in the effectiveness of a well-rounded network of support between family and professional health providers, it’s also the law.

Continuum of Care Reform

Assembly Bill 403, commonly known as the Continuum of Care Reform (CCR), was established to keep children and youth in their homes whenever possible. When children and youth must be separated from their biological parents, CCR identifies fundamental principles and requirements: 

  1. All children should live in a permanent home with a caring, loving adult
  2. Services are most effective when delivered in the context of the best interests of a child or youth, and in a manner that is family-centered

How CFT Helps

CCR required the development of the CFT approach for all children and youth in foster care. A key part of maintaining both home placements and resource family placements is to maintain a resource network the family can rely upon for support when challenges may arise; otherwise known as the Child and Family Team. The Child and Family Team can be composed of natural supports such as friends, family, neighbors, etc., and more formal supports, such as social workers, probation officers, mental health providers, etc.

Who Is Eligible?

Families with an open case with Child Welfare Services may receive these services.


Child and Family Team Facilitation can only be referred by the social worker.

For more information, please contact

How CFT Works

The process of holding regular, ongoing CFT meetings designed to engage the family helps to consistently assess, monitor, problem solve and plan how to sustain successful placements. To ensure these meetings are successful, the experiences and viewpoints of children, youth, and families are important. The main purpose of the Child and Family Team Facilitator and the CFT program at Casa Pacifica is to ensure that each voice of every member in the CFT meeting is heard through every step of the process. This includes creating opportunities to discuss what’s working well, the worries and the planning process, and working with all members present to develop clear, measurable goals for continued progress and an action plan to meet those goals.